And is Concordia university of Chicago good for the interview
Let me know
It’s where I have applied
And also if I give interview now and my semester starts in January shall I go now or near to the time when my semester starts
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Kun major
Okay but my university i chose is good or no
Concordia university Of Chicago
Anyone? Know about it
That’s true but is it good visa interview vise I wanna know
Any update??
SHE : Um let's talk about students for a second. uh when can we expect the next set of appoitments opening up for students ?
HE : Yeah. Um we're going to the appoitments are going to run from NOVEMBER until the end of DECEMBER.we'll open up the FIRST HALF about OCTOBER , MID OCTOBER and SECOND HALF by NOVEMBER .
SHE : Uh let's do one more question about students. What about students who have been previously refused a visa ?
HE : Well this year I called a lot of pressure on social media because we dediced to prevent people who had been refused before from applying for student visas until the very last part season. Uh that turned out to be a good decision. It turned out that we most of our issuances were done before we started letting people who've been refusedbefore applying.Uh but we did get the people who've been refused before a chance .what we want to do is we want to give everybody a chance to apply once. And it's hard to do if we open things up to people who've been refused once , twice , thrice or four times. so we're going to do the same thing again this winter. We're probably going to do the samething again next summer.We're going to start off the season GIVING EVERYBODY A CHANCE TO HAVE THEIR FIRST APPLICATION. Then at the very end of the season we'll see people beingrefused before .