Texas A and M University Texarcana
Apply for spring 2025
Why not 2024
Any other uni like south dakota state southeast missouri arkansas which one will be better
arkansas ma tta kam khaassai na painne raixa re.
All seems okay incompare to all amomg them.
I20 which will give faster
update rah date duitai mero ho 💀
South East missouri
And south dakota
Consultancy ola said ssouth dakota 1 month lagxa re
Lagdaina tetro ta dukka basa within 2 weeks aauxa hola jun course lai ni South Dakota ko chai
I have applied for arkansas university of nevada
Tara scholarship xaina raixa esma only 1000 1500 raixa
Sakinxxa afno year lai fee pay gaarnaaafaile kam gaarer..
Ghaar bata ta pathauna sakkina so sabbbai herer jaau bhaneko dontt get irritate to answer seniors.
K xa budaaa
Kaha gayab hoop