Cannabis in the Netherlands is illegal, but is decriminalised for personal use. Recreational consumption of the drug is tolerated, and it is available in coffeeshops.
Просто кофешопы не наказывают за это
они попадают под особый закон о "толерантности",
Я понмиаю, что чатик генерирует по 1000000 сообщений в минуту, но обсасывать все по три круга, я хз
That said, the country does not prosecute for the offense because the Netherlands “has a policy of toleration regarding soft drugs. This means that the sale of soft drugs in coffee shops is a criminal offense but the Public Prosecution Service does not prosecute coffees shops for this offense,” according to the Dutch government.
The Netherlands allows the sale of cannabis in coffee shops provided they meet the ‘toleration criteria’:
Must not cause any nuisance
Are not permitted to sell hard drugs
Are not permitted to sell cannabis to minors
Are not permitted to advertise drugs
Are not permitted to sell large quantities (over 5 grams of cannabis) in a single transaction.
при приминении закона не надо забывать про здравый смысл.