Сдавать нельзя гражданам третьих стран. Без разницы как оно куплено
Недвижимость, купленную под ПМЖ, при условии оплаты полного 19% НДС, а не льготного 5%б можно заявить как economical unit, и показать иммиграции др недвижимость для проживания в собсвенности или в аренде, и собственно сдавать в аренду.
Как европейцам так гражданам 3-х стран, как в отношении краткосрочной так и долгосрочной аренды. В случае краткосрочной аренды нужно пройти регистрацию и оплатить гос пошлину 222 евро.
Following a discussion with the Ministry of Tourism and review of the relevant legislation is not possible for a self-serviced accommodation establishment to be advertised (for example in booking, airbnb) for renting/leasing unless it is registered with the Ministry’s Registry of self-serviced accommodation and receive a Special Label and Registration Number for Self-Service (Sharing Economy) Accommodation Establishments. The Ministry officer advised that the nationality of the owner is irrelevant. Irrelevant is also if it will be a short or long term lease. The application is made online and the fee is EUR222 for the first 3 years and then EUR222 for another 5 years.
The submission of the applications can be made by submitted by natural and by legal entities. To this end, the applicant should have a valid before submitting the application:
➢ Registration at the Tax Department (Tax Identification Number or VAT where provided for under the relevant legislation) of the Republic of Cyprus and
➢ Insurance Coverage of the Accommodation in force – At least against all risks, for fire and civil liability.
Please find below the link with all the information for the submission of the application.
не совсем понятно где в тексте про ПМЖ или вообще про ВНЖ
" The Ministry officer advised that the nationality of the owner is irrelevant." - сдавать могут вообще все.
А можно ссылку на полный текст?
Это получается, убрали ограничение на сдачу гражданами 3-х стран? Можно купленную вторичку сдавать?
в тексте нет про ПМЖ. Это комментарии наших юристов, которые связывались со всеми министерствами:
Migration’s position is that for Migration purposes renting the property to which you have invested in (minimum value EUR300k plus VAT) is not prohibited provided that at the same time you present to Migration another property to which you will be staying in Cyprus. This can be proved either by a separate Rental Agreement or a separate Contract of Sale which can be of any other value (even lower than EUR300k).
VAT’s position is that In order to be able to claim the reduced VAT the residence should be your main and permanent residence in Cyprus. So even if you travel and live abroad, if this is the only property which is your main and permanent residence in Cyprus, you are entitled to apply for the reduced VAT rate.
As a result if the client is thinking of renting the investment out (even if he will replace it for Migration purposes) he should not apply for reduced VAT.
надо смотреть что клиент написал application for obtaining the Council of Ministers’ consent , если для собсвенного проживания, то нельзя сдавать
а разрешение на сделку дадут не для собственного проживания?
если докажите, что у вас есть место для постоянного проживания
т.е. если есть недвижимость купленная для пмж, то можно купить еще для сдачи и это ок будет? Не запрещено? и разрешение дадут?
Иностранцы могут купить только 2 обьекта недвижимости на Кипре.
Если Вы визитер, то к Вам применяется следующее и сдача в аренду разрешена - Evidence that the applicant has sufficient and stable resources, as analyzed below, derived from a stable or satisfactory income of the applicant outside the Republic. Income includes salary, pension, deposits in a bank account abroad, rents, dividends, interest on deposits or by exception from dividends from a company in the Republic (with certification by the Company's Accountant that he does not receive any salary from his position) or rents in the Republic, or from income in his bank account in the Republic from a salary from his previous work in a company of foreign interests
Для ПМЖ также ни слова про дивиденды и арендный доход - Immigration Permit based on Reg. 6.(2)
Official Statements of the applicant and his/her spouse, declaring that they do not intent to undertake any sort/type of employment in Cyprus, with the exception of being employed as Directors in a company where they have decided to invest, according to the criteria of the present policy.
Я бы очень хотела увидеть запрос и ответ самого министерства (или министерств), а не комментарии юристов