ну и плюс ограничения разные, нацистские комбинации нельзя (хотя 1488 можно здесь), Q и X только с фиксированными другими буквами можно, нельзя произвольные комбинации
>хотя 1488 можно здесь
а какие ещё комбниции могут быть?
SS :)
>Banned combinations also include the Nazi abbreviations HJ (Hitlerjugend, Hitler Youth), NS (Nationalsozialismus, National Socialism), SA (Sturmabteilung), SS (Schutzstaffel), KZ (Konzentrationslager, concentration camp) and often SD (Sicherheitsdienst).
*записал в блокнотик*
>In Brandenburg no new plates that are related to Hitler, the Hitler salute, other Nazi symbols, etc. can be issued, especially plates that have digits 1888, 8818, 8888 or ending in 88, 888, 188. The combinations AH 18 and HH 18 cannot also be issued to new owners.[6]
>Other combinations affected are BUL-LE (german diminutive for police, roughly comparable to *pig*),[7] MO-RD (german for murder)[8] and SU-FF (*being drunk*).[9]
>combinations STA-SI, HEI-L, IZ-AN and WAF-FE are also avoided, t